Here’s what’s going on…
Last week, Gibson went pee-pee on the potty for the first time. It was before bath, he sat down and went without even saying anything. Dad, Mom and Decker did the pee-pee on the potty dance while Gibby beemed from down on his little potty. We took baths. Then, when Gibby was running around naked after bathtime he stopped and peed on Mom and Dad’s bedroom floor! We’ll get there. J
Last week, Uncle Andrew asked Aunt Heather to marry him and she said yes!!
Gibson has started speaking in complete sentences. He calls everyone “That Guy.” This includes women and animals, and it doesn’t matter wheather Gibby knows their name or not. It’s always, “That Guy.”
About once a week, you guys split a $25 roll of silver dollars. You each put roughly half into your respective piggy banks. We call them “lootcakes.” You guys ask if I have lootcakes or money for you and if I do you put them in. When I tell you I have to go to work you ask things like, “Are you going to make money for me?” and “Will you bring us home lootcakes?”
A few days ago, you guys saw an accident with Mom. A guy had hit a telephone pole and his airbag had gone off. Mom stopped to ask him if he was okay. He didn’t repond, but was okay, just upset and frustrated. Decker asked Mom why the guy was upset if he was okay. Mom said it was because his car was damaged and he might not have money to pay for it or get it fixed. Decker said, “We have money. We could give him some.” That’s a gem. You guys are so awesome!
I’ll try to give you guys more regular updates about what you’re up to. I love you guys!